After 7 years long long explorer, potato returned home. So many things happened during 7 years. I believe the potato’s got richer inside and rounder outside ;)
How do I feel coming back home? Well, frankly, nothing special at the moment. I’ll see when I get over the jet lag. ;)
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Category Archives: Switzerland
Horse trip
While our flat was under renovation, we planned two days off in countryside for a ride with a horse. You basically get a horse and all gears needed and then you have to do everything from scratch to prepare your horse for a walk in Jura’s countryside. That was pretty cool experience, as I never much took care of a horse by myself.
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Biking 2010
Last “long” weekend was a great opportunity for a bike trip. The first sunny weekday since a while. So we packed our camping kit on our bike and we went for a three days tripe lake.
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After one day break (to get Luna’s new computer), we left in train to Davos for a week of hiking. As usual it started quite bad. We were on time for leaving, but the famous bridge we stopped to look at was actually wrapped in red cloth. It is under renovation till 2010. We took pictures anyway and will be back later if we are still around by then.
Our holiday, as all good holidays, started in stress and panic. For whatever unknown reason, we just had to take a very early (for holiday) train. Of course our bikes were not quite as ready as they should have been (my bad) and I probably woke up a bit later than I should have. Anyway I decided to totally chill out and not care about timing at all. But I noticed Luna did the exact opposite: the further from home, the more stressed.