After 7 years long long explorer, potato returned home. So many things happened during 7 years. I believe the potato’s got richer inside and rounder outside ;)
How do I feel coming back home? Well, frankly, nothing special at the moment. I’ll see when I get over the jet lag. ;)
Bye bye Neuchatel!
- Donald duck version cucumber – reference photo on the Mont blanc
13 Sep morning, I’ve left behind sunny hot Neuchatel and Donald duck mouth cucumber. He was so unhappy to carry my ultra super heavy luggage to the train station on this sunny day so I couldn’t see the smile cucumber before 3 weeks long separation. Even the curry which we had for lunch at the station wasn’t good neither.
That’s good starting for a day :-(
After long vomiting ICN train traveling, I’ve arrived at the airport. I’ve got some kind farewell messages and phone call from my lovely Neuchatel friends in the train. That succeed to make me very happy but fail to prevent getting train sick. Bweeee…I hate ICN :'(
I had to fight against my 3 heavy luggage to get off the train but the olive oil smell curry and the carving train totally messed up my stomach. When I arrived in the station, my hand was shaking so I almost rolled down outside the train with my baggage like a real potato. At the moment, a miracle happened. An english guy jumped to my luggage. He carried them outside the train and ran to the trollies. He brought a trolley with super speed and put all my luggage on it. He even kindly refused getting his 2 francs back for the trolley. And the best part was that he disappeared like a chinese master. @.@ oh…was that the famous english gentleman?
I was little stressed when I pass the scanner because of my heavy backpack (we’re allowed 8kg in the lufthansa plane but I had 17kg in my bag.) and the plane delayed about 20 minutes but everything has passed well. So I jumped up again from the Geneva airport.
A little while later, I saw a lake with familiar shape. Oh, that’s Neuchatel lake :D Shouldn’t I just catch the plane here so I don’t have to take the carving train…
Anyway, I said to hi to all you guys who live near lake Neuchatel, Morat and Bienne. Did you hear me? :) I tried to recognize courtetelle but that wasn’t easy. :P And I definitely saw my husband crying and watching my plane in his office. Oh, me too, darling. I miss you, too. But I didn’t cry for you guys. It might rain then…
- Les 3 lacs from the sky. (Lac Neuchatel, Morat and Bienne)
After 1 and half hour flight with small plane (also vomiting) I’ve tossed to Frankfurt. But my stomach didn’t get better…S.O.S
Hum…This airport didn’t have free wifi and my bag was too heavy to go for eye shopping. So I stayed watching ‘Koreans’. Bunch of Korean, they looked like so Korean :P
- Square and X shape village near Frankfurt.
- Such a green city! Isn’t it an old city? How come it’s so well arranged like that.
- The airport surrounded by forest.
I had to pretend once more that my 17kg backpack was light as a feather to pass the scanner without being asked for scaling it. But this time, it’s a real plane I mean a plane with free movies, yoohoo ;-)
Mongolian and Chinese sky
What happened to my body. I still got plane sick in this big plane. It never happened before.. :'( So I decided to sleep. But for me, it’s not that easy to fall asleep in the airplane. Well, I had no choice. I had to order some alcohol drinks. ( As you know, in the intercontinental airplane, the alcohol drinks are for free.) Red wine would be effective but there was some risk to get the headache as a bonus. So I ordered Baileys.
Yuaaammm :D Bottom up!
Oh, no. It made me awake. The taste was so good. Ok Ok…red wine. Let’s fall asleep before get the headache. I can do it. So I’ve got a full glass of red wine. The kind cabin crew explained me it’s from France today. The taste was good but nothing happened to me. No sleeping no headache. Was it wine taste water?
Ok Ok, let’s try stronger one then… So I ordered whiskey.
Hum…at this moment, maybe I looked like a alcoholic to the stewardess. She brought me a glass of whiskey like apple juice.
- The beautiful sunset somewhere on the Russian sky.
- Lufthansa’s the generous quantity of whiskey. (I’ve already drunken 2 big sip before taking photo.)
Home sweet home
Anyhow, I slept a little bit while watching the film super 8. In the morning, I was totally exhausted. So even tough I saw awesome Mongolian desert and the Korean west side yellow see from the sky, I totally forgot to take photos. And the stomach situation didn’t improve at all. I left most of breakfast, can you imagine? I left food! That’s serious sickness…
Landing. Cloudy my country. But I don’t have any strength to be happy.
My father was waiting for me at the gate. I haven’t seen him for a year but I feel like I saw him everyday. That’s family, right? :)
By the way, he was watching me with his smart phone.
‘I’m not the Medusa, dad, You can watch my eye, I don’t turn you to stone!’
Technology breaks people’s social skill.
- Cloudy Inchon airport.
- But I still like this airport. Clean, modern and fast service.
- Broken social skill
Such a long and tired day.
I hope my cucumber buy me a teleport machine for my next birthday present.After 7 years long long explorer, potato returned home. I feel like I haven’t done much thing but actually so many things happened. I believe the potato’s got richer inside and rounder outside ;)
How do I feel coming back home? Well, frankly, nothing special. I’ll see when I get over the jet lag. ;)
Moi aussi je veux partir :D
You will leave soon, no? :)
I should mention that I did not volunteer for the picture :-/
Oh, I think it’s cute but if it really bothers you, you can delete it ;)