Category Archives: Event


With summer comes the NIFFF. For the third consecutive year we will spent most of our time watching movies at the very beginning of July. That will be 28 movies in 6 days. Here is our plan, so if anybody is interested feel free to join us for one or two shows.

NIFFF timetable

NIFFF timetable

Blue area are movies we intend to see and pink circles are reserved movies we definitely will watch.

My turn

Today was my turn. I turned 27 and even though I still suffer from my missing teeth I got some unexpected surprises. I know, surprises are unexpected by definition, but sometimes you may expected to get surprises more than usual.

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KiKi’s Birthday part 1

KiKi has birthday 2 weeks after me. So we have 2 times big party every end of Summer.

I organized a surprising party for him with friends last year. So I had to find other way to surprise him. That was hard mission. After long consideration, I decided to do ‘Luna show’ this year for him.

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My Birthday, 2008

‘My birthday is coming closer~ Another Drunk party :D ‘ That’s what I thought at the begginig of August. So I texted all my friends to organize BBQ on the lakeside. But I thought that KiKi would give me some event on 15th so I fixed the party date on 16th Saturday. As I expected, most of my cool, lovely friends said Ok except few busy friends, so I couldn’t notice KiKi’s secret plan at all :)

Time has flown, it’s my birthday, today.

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