About the Vegetable Cage

Since we’ve got in Canada, we are not only the morning person but also the night person. In another word, we don’t sleep at all. It’s not because we’ve got a energizer super power with the total eclipse but because of our lovely holiday house. OK, OK, let’s be honest. It’s sorry to say a house, more like a rabbit cage. But as we’ve put the potato and cucumber in it, let’s say it’s a vegetable cage. However, I don’t care the size to sleep, I don’t use two room to sleep anyway. Then why we don’t sleep? It’s because of the dream.

First two night, I had very weird dream. There was a girl who shouted right into my ear from time to time and group of people were chattering under my bed. I also went to drive with bunch of African guys listening ‘Boom Boom’ hip-hop music with full bass. And the worst part was somebody put a police siren next to my bed and it rang every 10 min. What the…

But finally, the third night I’ve woke up with a girl’s sharp screaming. And I realized it was not a dream, everything was really happening in the real life. The only fortunate thing was that they were not inside my room but just under my window. When I looked down the street, there were a lot of traffic and drunken people in front of our apartment. Our room was 7th floor but I heard all the noise like hearing in my room. The super quality apartment has the super quality sound isolation. Actually, we’ve learned much later that the next 2 roads from my apartment is one of the biggest party street. So all those drunken people go home passing by the road in front of my room and a lot of police cars are there to keep them ‘safe’. So we cannot sleep by night because of the extreme noise and also cannot sleep when they’ve gone home(around 5 in the morning)because of the glorious sunshine all over the room (the room is face to east). Therefore, every morning, I look like a forgotten potato under cup board for 3 months.







So for somebody who want to visit Montreal, I strongly do not recommend this apartment. It’s not only crappy but also expensive. ;) (Unless you don’t come home often and have non stop party.)

4 thoughts on “About the Vegetable Cage

  1. Sidonie

    Eh ben, j’espère que vous pourrez un peu mieux dormir après.

    Dire que je me plaignais d’avoir fait une semaine en Egypte comme ça (avec du bruit toute la nuit). Finalement, ça aurait pu être pire ;-)

    1. Luna Post author

      C’est vrai? Vous êtes resté dans le centre ville en Egypte? El gouna n’était pas très bruyant quand on est allé :) Il y avait plein de construction autour d’El gouna. Je suis curieuse de voir comme c’est maintenant…

      Et merci, après Montréal, on a bien dormi chez Gérad :D

  2. Martouf

    Dimanche matin, je me suis fais réveiller par des policiers juste sous mes fenêtres…. ils étaient en train d’interroger mon voisin de palier… J’ai pas tout compris… mais 5h45.. c’est un peu tôt pour me réveiller un dimanche matin !

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