Author Archives: KiKi

Horse trip

While our flat was under renovation, we planned two days off in countryside for a ride with a horse. You basically get a horse and all gears needed and then you have to do everything from scratch to prepare your horse for a walk in Jura’s countryside. That was pretty cool experience, as I never much took care of a horse by myself.
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Spring Cleaning

A few days ago we went a few days away from home. We took that opportunity to change our bedroom’s (very) old carpet. So we had minimal disturbance while the guys worked at our place. By minimal disturbance, I mean we didn’t suffer from dust when they polished. But we still had to move our entire room in the living room. Awesome stuff to make a new stop-motion (gotta love them). So here we go, three days of hard work (one day to move out and two days to move in):